Pictured at the handover from left are: head of public affairs at Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages Priscilla Urquhart, Kewtown Primary School’s governing body chairwoman ...
Silverlea Primary School launched their new R10. 7 million school hall today. Silverlea Primary School launched their new R10. 7 million school hall today. The hall ...
A robbery suspect was killed and another injured in a violent end to a car chase in Surrey Estate, say police. Officers were responding to a robbery in the Gugulethu ...
Bishop Lavis police are investigating the source of a fire at a shop in Bonteheuwel after candles and thinners were found in the shop. The fire broke out at Bontifair ...
Only 25 people attended a Kewtown public meeting on Thursday night to discuss crime. Athlone Community Police Forum chairwoman Sharon Classen said the low attendance ...
Manenberg police have opened an inquest docket after the bodies of two people were found in a burnt-out car on Tuesday. Residents extinguished the fire in Sabie ...
Two people were killed and a third wounded in a drug-related shooting in Rylands, at 2am on Thursday, say policeOfficers arriving at the scene in College Road found ...
A project to improve conditions and safety at the Hanover Park taxi and bus terminus is well under way and set for completion by the end of February, says the City. ...
Manenberg police station bagged “the best station of the year” award at this year’s provincial police awards. The award ceremony was held on Saturday January 18, ...
A Bonteheuwel man wants police to do more to find the men who stole his motorbike from his home. The break-in and theft of his motorbike were caught on camera. Around ...
For the first time, since the project’s inception, the training was done virtually. About 1000 first responders have attended the workshops, including police officers, ...
Ameer Abrahams, the 5-year-old boy who was struck in the head by a bullet as he walked with his father to a tuckshop in Manenberg on Monday, January 6, has died ...
It’s back to school in a week’s time, but many boys will go back without a fresh haircut. The Callas Foundation in Bridgetown aims to change this by asking residents ...
A Bonteheuwel mother of three who was arrested for allegedly trespassing on the premises of Bergsig Primary School has accused the school of victimising her and ...
Tenders are expected to go out in February next year for the new R372 million hospital to serve Hanover Park and Philippi, says the provincial health department. ...
Participants and their mothers were treated to gifts and lunch.
From left: Nadia Colan, Faagirah Baradien, Shahieda Jansen, Soraya Baradien and Rushana Damon. Front: Khautar Jansen.
Hanah Johannisan, 14, from Hanover Park sang. Julius May played the guitar. Residents joined in for a dance around the hall. The Tourchester Band from Germany performed. ...
Kewtown is one of the areas that will benefit from the City’s pipe replacement programme. This forms part of the mayor's priority programme, setting aside R323 million ...
The sky was filled with colourful kites as children enjoyed the annual Cape Mental Health’s Cape Town International Kite Festival community fly, in Heideveld. October ...
School principal Ugur Patli with, from left, first-place winner Ruaa Zaghloul, from Nizamiye School in Johannesburg; third-place winner Layla Ebrahim, from Nizamiye ...
The transfer of two high-ranking police officers from the Bishop Lavis police station is a blow to community policing in the precinct, says Bonteheuwel ward councillor ...
The seniors were given lunch and a gift.
Cape Flats rappers Clint van den Broeck and Riedwaan Damon have released a music video, Kaapstad, shot in Athlone. It’s meant to show a side to Athlone other than ...
About 16 Hanover Park backyarders received toilets along with water, refuse and electricity municipal services this month as part of a City support programme for ...