
University string quartet at Erin Hall

Staff Reporter|Published

Odeion String Quartet members, from left, Jeanne-Louise Moolman on violin; Sharon de Kock as second violinist; Samson Diamond as first violinist and Anmari van der Westhuizen on cello.

The Cape Chamber Music Collective (CCMC) will present a show by the Odeion String Quartet, performing works by Mendelssohn and Hofmeyr, on Saturday November 12 at Erin Hall, 8 Erin Road, Rondebosch, at 3pm.

The Odeion String Quartet was established at the University of the Free State in 1991 as a permanent, full-time resident string quartet and is the only resident string quartet at a South African university.

Tickets are R150 and R75 for pensioners and students, including a glass of wine. Book through Quicket.

University string quartet at Erin Hall