I found this book a little intense. Perhaps that’s because my modus operandi for making friends is “rather read a book”.
The back cover bills the psychologist author as a friendship expert.
The author’s personal opinion is that modern culture has put too much emphasis on romantic relationships and relegated friendships to secondary or even unimportant and that this had led to loneliness and isolation.
She also believes that the vaccine for this “epidemic of isolation” is to understand the new psychology buzz phenomenon − attachment theory − and to use that understanding to making and building friendships.
I found I could only read this book in small bursts because it took a lot of reflection and introspection and sometimes scratched in uncomfortable places.
I didn’t agree with all the author’s theories and there were times I felt like she was labouring her point but I think this book would be useful to people who feel isolated and lonely and want to make more platonic friendships.
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