The Godance group, back, from left, are Kayline Europa, Joshua Williams, Leano September, Ashton Syster, Simone Momplé, Rashique February and Jonapher Spogter. Middle: Caylin Daames, Lami Magwaza and Harriette Claasen. Front: Max Fouchee, and Kharshay Farland.
A Bellville dance group’s anti-abuse music video is streaming on the website of the 49th National Arts Festival throughout this month.
The Godance group was founded in 2016 and has dancers from Kuils River, Parow, Scottsdene, Delft, Worcester and Garden Village.
Previously Northern News reported on the group’s anti-abuse campaign, which they expressed through a choreographed music video (“Choreographer tackles abuse through dance,” Northern News, December 2022).
The National Arts Festival was held in Makhanda from Thursday June 22 to Monday July 3, and the group applied at the beginning of the year to have their video streamed on the festival website.
The group’s leader, choreographer Simone Momple, said it was a way for them to “build some revenue” to fund further projects tackling abuse.
“Whether it’s through video or live shows, we hope to continue offering a creative space for intervention on this issue,” she said.
While the festival has ended, the three-minute music video can still be steamed at, for R50, until the end of July. Godance says all proceeds support its future dance projects.
For more information, contact Simone Momple at 076 186 7937 or email at