A map outlining the City’s road-planning project. Picture: City of Cape Town.
The public has until Friday September 27 to comment on a City road-planning project to ensure existing and future developments are accessible in Fisantekraal, Joostenbergvlakte and Bloekombos.
Lucullus Road, Amadeus Drive, Waarburgh Road and Maroela Road in the Kraaifontein region are affected.
“The outcome of this project is council approval of the concept designs, and any related construction associated with this planning will most likely be driven by the developments in the area,” said mayoral committee member for urban mobility Rob Quintas.
The technical report and proposed layout can be view and downloaded here.
Comments, recommendations and input may be submitted by emailing Urbanmobility.CT@capetown.gov.za (Quote Reference 110242501) or online here.
Written submissions can be sent to the Sub-council 7 office in Oxford Street, Durbanville, the Sub-council 2 office at 87 Brighton Way in Kraaifontein or the Kraaifontein library, which is next to the Sub-council 2 office.
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