The City’s Law Enforcement Liquor Pound has received 9 589 bottles of impounded alcohol since Saturday October 1, amounting to 4 756 litres. File picture.
City Law Enforcement has confiscated almost 3000 litres, just over 5900 bottles, of liquor in the first three weeks of December.
According to a statement by mayoral committee member for safety and security JP Smith, this is about 350 litres less than what was confiscated over the same period in 2019, before Covid.
“The difference is negligible though, and, in all honesty, it would likely have been higher this year, if not for the adverse weather this past weekend that severely curtailed outings to recreational spaces. We simply cannot continue in this fashion,” he said.
“Each year, we see the consequences of drinking in public, and our beaches in particular, as well as drunk driving. Instead of taking the hint, people instead find ways to sneak their alcohol into these public spaces or insist on driving when they’re impaired, or picking unnecessary and often violent fights.”
The City’s Law Enforcement Liquor Pound has received 9 589 bottles of impounded alcohol since Saturday October 1, amounting to 4 756 litres.