Teachers are amazing, patient people who sometimes go the extra mile by offering additional classes and attention to learners. Some may not see the beauty in the work they do due to lockdown and the associated social distancing regulations. That does not mean we should not thank them anyway.
Some teachers have been powering through lockdown as if nothing has changed. They encourage learners and students to persevere, even under the strictest lockdown regulations. To execute the curriculum thoroughly, as planned the year before, was not an easy task for a lot of educators. Especially if your friends or family members contract Covid-19 and you have to deal with it. And to make sure you have work prepared for your class on Monday.
Did you know? Today is World Teachers’ Day
Virtual classrooms are powered by educators that make sure you obtain enough for you to pass to the next grade. Educators that have come back into class in full force are heroes, because of how precise they are with regulating social distancing. Emphasising sanitising and keeping clean and making sure that schoolwork gets completed.
This month, we take the time to appreciate the work educators have done throughout the years. From teaching our parents, ourselves and current learners and students, they have made a mark in the world and will continue to in the future. Everyone has a teacher that has influenced them to become a better version of themselves. This October, we want to show them how incredibly they have affected our lives.
Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels
- Send them a gift card to allow themselves to get what they want.
- Write your teacher a thank you email or an appreciation post on social media
- Compile a video on TikTok about how thankful you are to have them in your lives
- Print and frame a ‘best teacher’ certificate and send it to them
- Ask the class to wear your teacher’s favourite colour in the next Zoom or Teams class
There is no reason why grown-ups cannot go back to their grade 6 teacher and thank them for the difference that they made. This month, it’s up to you to remind your teacher of you, and for you to remind them how special they are. Learners, students and parents: this is your chance to make a difference in your favourite teacher's life. With the 4th Industrial Revolution working its way into our daily lives, allow every moment with our teachers should be treasured before Grade 1s get taught by robots.
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