An event held by Sub-council 21 at the Sareopta civic centre on Tuesday helped seniors prepare for winter. Picture: Supplied.
Senior citizens received a range of gifts including blankets, household fire extinguishers, warm beverages, gloves, bed socks and travel mugs, during a winter-readiness drive, at the Sarepta civic centre, on Tuesday.
Sub-council 21, which covers seven wards spanning Blackheath Industrial area, Eerste River, the Kuils River industrial area, Macassar and Blue Downs, organised the event.
About 100 seniors from Ward 11 - all nominated by seniors’ clubs in the constituency - attended and heard from local and provincial government officials on a range of issues, including disaster risk management, sustainable energy and environmental health, said the ward’s councillor, Wouter de Vos.
“We were taught how to prevent and how to put out fires should it be necessary,” said Maureen Champion, from the Old Apostolic Church Golden Oldies.
Sub-council 21 chairman Johannes van der Merwe, said similar events had already been held at four of the seven wards.
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