
Thank you for your support

Letter to the Editor|Published

Dave Balfour and Martin Scholtz, Friends of Silvermine Nature Area (Fosna)

On behalf of Fosna, we would like to acknowledge a number of volunteers and supporters of our work in 2023.

Daan Jacobus for his almost daily presence in the wetland area ensuring that litter is picked up, reeds are cleared in strategic areas, signage is in good order, and that our management team is kept abreast of anything "untoward" in the area.

Elvis Hilita for his consistent weekly clearing of rubbish bins on Thursdays, watering of newly planted restios and shrubs, and the cutting back of hedges and the clearing of paths.

The group of some 20 community members who pitch up at our quarterly work parties to assist with focused tasks such as securing bridge planks, revegetating the exposed banks of the river after the dredge, and removing alien vegetation.

The City of Cape Town team responsible for the dredging that took place in April, May and June this year which has bred new life into the space, enabling us to experience wildlife that has not been seen in this space for a number of years. We look forward to seeing the dredging team back in February next year for Phase 2.

Fay Howa, the City of Cape Town environmental officer who is readily available for advice and support for Fosna's wetland engagement. A wetland champion like no other!

Councillor Aimee Kuhl, our Ward 64 representative, who has so effectively championed our cause in the pursuit of ensuring that the Lower Silvermine Wetland Area is appropriately managed within the context of competing needs.

The diversity of entities and funders of the work in the wetlands, including the record number of 184 Source to Sea hikers (May 2023), the mayor’s office, anonymous donors who contribute monthly, the Clovelly Monday Seniors Golf Club, the U3A Stompers Hiking Club, and the random donations we receive from the Snapscan QR code on our signage. We value your financial contributions which enable us to oversee the maintenance and management of this critical piece of Cape Town.

We have great plans for 2024 and look forward to you journeying with us this year. With thanks and appreciation.