Young combatants take centre stage

Buntu Gotywa|Published

Sikho Sirataza from Junxion kickboxing lands a body kick against Jiyaad Diedericks from Fighterz Inc.

A different kind of learning was dished out at Simon van der Stel Primary School at the weekend as young fighters exchanged blows in the first Rising stars promotion.

Hosted by Fighterz Inc in collaboration with Vibrant Sports, the aim was to give fighters based in the southern suburbs an opportunity to compete closer to homes, in front of their families. However, up-and-coming martial artists came from all corners of the city.

On the day it was boxing and kickboxing on display and the crowd roared with anticipation throughout the more than 20-fight affair.

It was a white-collar promotion but the action was worth all the monies paid to witness the skill.

The significance of the event is not to be underestimated as this is exactly where the likes of Faeez Jacobs and Terrence Balelo, who were in attendance, honed their skills as they are now at the top of the food chain when talking SA Martial arts.

The fights could be described as telling different stories as some were technical, some showed raw display of heart, determination and technical masterpieces.

The two main events of the evening saw Sikho Sirataza retaining his kickboxing championship against Jiyaad Diedericks via TKO after a knee to the body.

In the boxing main event Sanele Mnxali retained her belt against Aayesha Majiet via unanimous decision.

Ishmail Boole goes up high against Mivuyo Adonis.
Lisolethu Majalisa and Aqeelah Salie engaging in a kickboxing action.
Yandisa Gqwarhu taking instructions from coach Ashley Hardenberg.
Tyla Scholtz misses the target with her kick in a fight against Saidi Walbrugh.
Sikho Sirataza and Jiyaad Diedericks came out guns blazing as they both showed hunger for the win.
Shane Langa lands a jab in his decision win against Anoxolo Nyokana.
Faeez Jacobs with corner work to his student David Williams.
Anoyolo Gwija celebrates his TKO win some dance moves.
Lime Masiza from African Youth Boxing TKO’d his opponent Arzu Joseph.
Sanele Mnxali lands a straight right during her boxing fight against Aayesha Majiet.